16 May 2013

App Server Trouble Shooting

1.       If HRPRD is extremely slow, we have to check App server, Prcsserver, webserver & DB Server for HRPRD instances.
Check CPU Usuage, if it is not changing we have to disconnect user access of App designer.
2.       We have to check the HRPRD instance I,e if App server is went down, if instance is down we have to brought it up.
3.       Some of users reports Peoplesoft search was not working.
We have to check logs & verify from the App server s/m event viewer logs.
4.       If server is down we have to brought it to backup & running.
5.       User reports while applying any request it is taking much time to process( for this we have to delete the cache files in App server & web server)

(1)    Logon failure at runtime?
If the password for connecting to your peoplesoft systemm is not specified. When creating a target or with the edit option in Application Explorer, you cannot able to connect to  people soft.
Update and save the password is repository.xml & restart the App server.
(2)    Jolt session pool cannot provide a connection to the App server?
Because there is not App server domain (bea.jolt.serviceException: Invalid session)
The hostname or port number for people soft is incorrect.
1.       Navigation slow in App server
2.       CPU usage is very high
3.       To increase performance we will run performance scripts.

ABout PeopleSoft Prcesses 


PSMONITORSRV>>>A server task as part of the Application Server; it reports host / domain resource information to Performance Monitor (PSPPMSRV). It supports canceling a PeopleSoft Query and resolves master/ slave failover for Application messaging system

PSWATCHSRV>>>A server task as part of the Application Server; the Watch Server process combines process details from the operating system and Tuxedo and executes a rule set on the resulting data. If a process from this domain is known to the OS and not known by TUXEDO it is killed. If a process has been handling a service request for longer than the service timeout, the process is killed.

WSL.exe   :         
JRAD.exe  :          
JREPSVR.exe :        
JSL.exe  :          

PSANALYTICSRV is a Tuxedo managed PeopleSoft application server process, like PSAPPSRV. It contains both the analytic calculation engine and the optimization engine. Multiple instances of PSANALYTICSRV can run in an application server domain. The current condition of each PSANALYTICSRV instance is tracked in system tables

PSAPPSRV>>>A server task as part of the Application Server; the Watch Server process combines process details
from the operating system and Tuxedo and executes a rule set on the resulting data. If a process
from this domain is known to the OS and not known by TUXEDO it is killed. If a process has been
handling a service request for longer than the service timeout, the process is killed.
PSQCKSRV>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server implements quick searches in three tier mode4.

PSQRYSRV>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server implements adhoc database Queries. Users use Query manager to build queries and those queries are executed by PSQRYSRV.

PSSAMSRV>>>A server task as part of the Application Server; this is used to handle conversational transactions.

PSBRKDSP>>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server’s messaging system. A dispatcher assigns the incoming work to a handler

PSBRKHND>>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server’s messaging system. A handler runs the routing and processing rules on the work, the dispatcher assigns. A broker handler invokes the appropriate PUB / SUB dispatchers to perform the work.

PSPUBDSP>>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server’s messaging system; this is invoked every time a message is published to another PS / non PS system. The dispatcher assigns work to handler.

PSPUBHND>>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server’s messaging system; this is invoked by the PSPUBDSP service every time a message needs to be processed. The handler runs the routing rules to determine the destination of the message and forwards message to that destination.

PSSUBDSP>>>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server’s messaging system; this is invoked every time a
message is subscribed (received) by a PS system from a PS / non PS system. The dispatcher
assigns work to handler.

PSSUBHND>>>>>A server task as part of the Application Server’s messaging system; this is invoked by the
PSSUBDSP service every time a message needs to be processed. The handler accepts the
message and processes it so that the incoming message can be put in the database.

PSAPPSRV - 1 per 20 connected users
PSSAMSRV - 1 or more, depends on your PS application, e.g. hardly used in HRMS/HCM
PSQCKSRV - disable it
PSQRYSRV - yes if you use PS Query.

PSSAMSRV is only used by Windows clients in 3-tier mode (nVision and PS/Query)
PSMSGDSP, only a single process can be configured
PSAESRV, because in the Process Scheduler each PSAESRV has its own queue.


PSMONITORSRV.e        MONITOR         MONITOR         1          0         0      (  IDLE )
PSAPPSRV.exe                   APPQ               APPSRV            1    2435    121750 (  IDLE )
PSWATCHSRV.exe          WATCH            WATCH             1      0             0      (  IDLE )
PSAPPSRV.exe                   APPQ                 APPSRV          2    1041     52050  (  IDLE )
PSQRYSRV.exe                  QRYQ                APPSRV        70      1            50     (  IDLE )
WSL.exe                        00001.00020               BASE           20      0             0      ( IDLE )
JREPSVR.exe               00094.00250             JREPGRP      250     16         800    ( IDLE )
JSL.exe                          00095.00200             JSLGRP        200      0             0     ( IDLE )
PSMSGDSP.exe            00098.00100             PUBSUB       100     67        3350  ( IDLE )
PSSAMSRV.exe                SAMQ                  APPSRV       100      0             0     ( IDLE )
PSMSGHND.exe                MBHQ                 PUBSUB       101     57        2850   (IDLE )
PSQCKSRV.exe                 QCKQ                  APPSRV        50       0            0      (IDLE )


JSL.exe                       00095.00200                JSLGRP         200        0           0     (IDLE )
PSSAMSRV.exe             SAMQ                     APPSRV       100        0            0    (IDLE )
BBL.exe                           52252                   INHAHRM+       0     8950    447500 (IDLE )
PSMONITORSRV.e    MONITOR                MONITOR        1        0            0     (IDLE )
PSRENSRV.exe               RENQ1                    RENGRP       101      0            0     (IDLE )
PSANALYTICSRV.   00080.00001                ANALYTI+       1      0             0    (IDLE )
PSSAMSRV.exe              SAMQ                       APPSRV       101      0           0     (IDLE )
PSAPPSRV.exe                APPQ                        APPSRV         1      0             0     (IDLE )
PSWATCHSRV.exe       WATCH                      WATCH         1      0             0    (IDLE )
PSANALYTICSRV.   00080.00002                  ANALYTI+     2      0             0    (IDLE )
PSSAMSRV.exe              SAMQ                         APPSRV       102    0          0    (IDLE )
PSAPPSRV.exe                APPQ                        APPSRV         2      0              0    (IDLE )
PSANALYTICSRV.   00080.00003                  ANALYTI+     3      0              0    (IDLE )
PSAPPSRV.exe                APPQ                        APPSRV         3      0              0    (IDLE )
PSAPPSRV.exe                 APPQ                       APPSRV         4      0              0    (IDLE )
PSAPPSRV.exe                 APPQ                       APPSRV         5    715     35750   (IDLE )
JREPSVR.exe               00094.00250                 JREPGRP      250     30      1500  (IDLE )

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