Patch: It is nothing but
collection of peopletools fixes
Backup the PEOPLETOOLS Folder
I,e PT8.48 First Patch 8.48.01
Shutdown Appserver, webserver,
prcs scheduler server & PSEMAgent.bat located at ‘C:\pshome\PSEMAgent.bat’
It is a java Application or executable which gather information on each
peoplesoft env components such as appserver domain,domain names or databases on
specified drives & reports to PSEMHub.
It will store in the form
of XML files.
Download the patch from
Install the patch and give path
After Applying the patch PIA
will not open, it will throw an error message.
So to resolve the issue, we have to delete the webserver
domain folder.
After that we have to install
PIA i.e C:\PSHOME\setup\mpinternet\setup.exe
After Applying patch we have to
run the script in DM i.e ‘ptpatch.dms’->
to show file system & db are in sync
Finally start all servers.
The installed patch version can
be seen in App Designer->Help Menu
In PIA we can see the version
by clicking ctrl+j
Select * from psstatus;
Select * from
PS_MAINTENANCE_LOG->To see which patch we have Applied
CPU(critical patch
update)patch: IT is a collection of patches for multiple security
It also includes
non-security fixes that are required (because of interdependencies) by those
security patches.
It contains 66 new
security fixes
Standalone patch:
First, we will apply the
patch to the demo database.
Doc ID 658989.1 - for Enterprise Portal 8.8
Doc ID 658897.1 - for Enterprise Portal 8.9
Doc ID 658990.1 - for Enterprise Portal 9.0
PeopleTools 8.49.24
Product Patch BY ORACLE
The following patch,
PeopleTools 8.49.24, can only be applied to PeopleTools 8.49, and not to any
previous PeopleTools release such as 8.48 or 8.47. You must install (or
have previously installed) the full PeopleTools 8.49 CD/ZIP before you apply
this patch. Please read this entire document (PT84924UserDoc) and the
PATCH NOTES section that it contains before beginning installation.
NOTE: PT 8.49.24 Product
Patch is required when first installing or upgrading to PeopleTools 8.49.
1. PeopleTools 8.49
2. Database connectivity
1. Back up your existing
PeopleTools 8.49 Home folders
1.1. Back up your existing
<PS_HOME> locations on all servers where PeopleTools 8.49 has been
installed. (The
variable <PS_HOME> refers to the location of the high-level directory
where you have already installed PeopleTools 8.49.)
2. Shut down any application
servers, web servers, Process Scheduler servers, and EM Agents that are
currently running
2.1. Make sure that there are
no lingering threads from any server processes. Such threads can
interfere with successfully installing new server files. If there are any
threads remaining after you shutdown the servers and domains, you need to
manually kill or remove them.
2.2. AIX Customers please
note: You must run the 'slibclean' utility (as 'root') on your server(s)
to remove any unused shared libraries from memory.
2.3. Stop EM Agents using
<PS_HOME>\PSEMAgent\StopAgent.bat or /
3. Download the Patch
3.1. Create an Empty folder
named pt84924 on your system.
3.2. Download the patch file
from the FTP site into the pt84924 folder, and extract the contents of the
self-extracting archive file into this same folder.
3.2.2. The password to extract
4. Install Patch Files
4.1. For Windows:
4.1.1. Run
4.1.2. Provide the license code
you used to install the base PeopleTools 8.49 CD/ZIP, and install this patch to
all of the appropriate PeopleSoft Servers (Application Server, Batch Server,
Database Server, Web Server, and File Server).
4.1.3. Install the patch on top
of your existing high-level PeopleSoft folder. (Note: Ensure you
created a back-up of your <PS_HOME> as indicated in step 1 first, so that
you can restore any pre-existing files or configuration if unforeseen trouble
4.1.4. z/OS: If you are running a
batch (Process Scheduler) server on z/OS, transfer the files you just installed
to the z/OS batch server by running the PeopleSoft Server Transfer program
(pstrans.exe). Run
<PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86\pstrans.exe. (Please refer to the
'Setting up the Batch Environment on z/OS' chapter in your 'Enterprise
PeopleTools 8.49 Installation for DB2 UDB for z/OS' book for more details on
using the pstrans.exe utility and reconfiguring your Process Scheduler server.)
4.2. For UNIX/Linux:
4.2.1. Create an empty folder
named CD84924 on your UNIX/Linux server(s). Create corresponding
subdirectories on your UNIX/Linux server(s) for each 'diskn' directory found
under CD84924 where the patch was extracted. (Where 'n' is the disk
number; i.e.: 'disk1'
, 'disk2' , etc)
4.2.2. Transfer the following
files in autodetect mode CD84924\disk1 on windows
to CD84924/disk1 on your UNIX/Linux server:
Transfer the entire setup directory
Transfer the media.inf file
Transfer the setup.jar file
Transfer the setup.<os> file (where <os> =
aix, hp, hp-ia64, linux, zlinux, solaris, tru64)
NOTE: for tru64, you also need
to transfer the 'setup.unix' file (in binary mode) FTP the entire remaining
\diskn subdirectories (if any exist) to CD84924/diskn in autodetect mode
4.2.3. Set the DISPLAY variable
in the UNIX/Linux environment:
export DISPLAY=0.0
4.2.4. Install the patch by
running the operating-system specific setup file
-is:tempdir <tempdir> -is:javaconsole -console
(<os> = aix, hp, hp-ia64, linux, zlinux,
solaris, tru64)
(<tempdir> = /tmp or any other temporary
folder you choose)
4.2.5. Provide your license
code that you used to install the base PeopleTools 8.49 CD/ZIP, and install
this patch to all of the applicable PeopleSoft Servers (Application Server,
Batch Server, Database Server, Web Server, and File Server).
4.2.6. Install the patch on top
of your existing high-level PeopleSoft folder (<PS_HOME>). (Note: Ensure
you created a back-up of your <PS_HOME> location as indicated in step 1
first, so that you can restore any pre-existing files or configuration if
unforeseen trouble occurs.)
5. Update Your Database with
Patch Version Information
5.1. Using PeopleTools
8.49.24 launch Data Mover and logon to your database as a PeopleSoft User.
5.2. Run the script
<PS_HOME>\scripts\PTPATCH.DMS (Note: This script can
only be run once per database per patch. If you reapply this
patch to the same database, do not run this script again.)
6. Install Database Changes
Included in this Patch
6.1. Using PeopleTools
8.49.24, launch Application Designer, and sign on to the database as a
PeopleSoft User.
6.2. Select <Tools>,
<Copy Project>, <From File>
6.3. Enter
<PS_HOME>\projects and select PATCH849 from the list of projects.
6.4. Select <Options>
and highlight the languages <Common> and <English> ONLY.
6.5. Select <Copy> to
begin copying updated PeopleTools objects to your database.
7. Load PeopleTools Messages
and Data Project
7.1. Logon to Data Mover in
bootstrap mode as the database owner using PT 8.49.24
7.2. Run
<PS_HOME>\scripts\MSGTLSUPG.DMS to load the updated messages into your
7.2.1. Note: If message catalog
changes have not been made in PT 8.49 by the time this patch is released, the
MSGTLSUPG.DMS script may not exist in the <PS_HOME>\scripts folder and
this entire step can be skipped.
7.3. Close Data Mover.
8. Load Translations and
Translated PeopleTools Messages (For Multilingual Installations ONLY)
8.1. Load PeopleTools Patch
8.1.1. Using PeopleTools
8.49.24, launch Application Designer, and sign on to the database as a
PeopleSoft User.
8.1.2. Select <Tools>,
<Copy Project>, <From File>.
8.1.3. Enter
<PS_HOME>\projects and select PATCH849ML from the list of projects. Note: If translatable
changes have not been made by the time this patch is released, the PATCH849ML project
may not exist in the <PS_HOME>\projects folder and this entire step can
be skipped.
8.1.4. Select <Options>
and highlight the languages you have installed. Note: Do not select
<Common> or <English> for this step.
8.1.5. Select Copy to begin
copying updated PeopleTools objects to your database
8.2. Load PeopleTools
Multilingual Messages
8.2.1. Using PeopleTools
8.49.24, launch Data Mover, and sign on to the database as a PeopleSoft User.
8.2.2. Run <PS_HOME>\scripts\MSGTL<lang_cd>.DMS
to load the updated messages into your database. Where <lang_cd> = each of your installed
languages, including English. Note: If translated
message changes have not been made in PT 8.49 by the time this patch is released,
the MSGTL<lang_cd>.DMS script(s) may not exist in the
<PS_HOME>\scripts folder and this step can be skipped.
9. Completing Installation
and configuring this PeopleTools Patch
9.1. Reinstall any products
in use from the following folders:
9.1.1. Change Assistant: <PS_HOME>\setup\PsCA
9.1.2. PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture (PIA): <PS_HOME>\setup\ PsMpPIAInstall Websphere customers:
Choose 'Redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Architecture' when prompted WebLogic customers:
Choose 'Re-create WebLogic domain and redeploy PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture' when prompted. Warning: The entire
WebLogic and PIA configuration in the specified WebLogic domain is deleted when
you select this option. It is highly recommended that you make a copy of the PIA Domain
directory to preserve any existing configuration settings and
customizations. You can then refer to the configuration files in the copied
directory when reconfiguring the newly recreated domain. Please refer to the
patch notes at the bottom of this document for further information (ref:
1786758000). OAS customers: At this
time, there is no option to 'redeploy' the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture
when using OAS. For Oracle Application Server, you will need to perform the
following steps for reinstalling Oracle's PeopleSoft Internet Architecture: Remove the OC4J
component. In case of single component deployment, the single OC4J component
that has the application name needs to be removed. In case of multiple
component deployment, three OC4J components (PIA_<app-name>,
PSOL_<app-name>, PSEMHUB_<app-name>) need to be removed. The OC4J component
can be removed either from the Application Server Control or using the command
line: Command line:
process-type <component-name>
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/removeinstance -instanceName
<component-name> Application Server
Control: Select the OC4J
component and click 'Delete OC4J Instance' Remove the PSEM Agent if
installed. The
may have to be removed manually from the server registry. Reinstall Oracle's
PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.
Note: If you are upgrading
from an older Oracle Application Server (OAS) version to a newer OAS version,
shut down OAS and follow the uninstall instructions in the Enterprise
PeopleTools installation guide for your database platform prior to reinstalling
Oracle's PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.
Note: If you are using OAS and
have customized your OAS installation, run the following commands after setting
up Oracle's PeopleSoft Internet Architecture:
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl reload
9.2. Purge all App Server and
Web Server cache. (Knowledge Management document ID <Document:753215.1> has more details on
purging if needed.)
9.3. Re-start your
Application server(s), Batch server(s), Web Server(s), and EM Agents.
IMPORTANT: Please read this
section in its entirety before applying the PeopleTools 8.49.24 patch.
This section covers any last-minute information or existing issues that
may impact your PeopleSoft implementation whether or not you choose to apply
this PeopleTools patch. This section does not list the items
fixed/included in this patch. Information on patch content can be accessed via
instructions found at the bottom of this UserDoc.
1786713000: Excel exception for
nVision on Windows 2008
Problem: nVision process
when submitted through Process Scheduler on Windows Server 2008 goes to No
Success state.
Solution: Please refer to metalink doc id 815983.1 for the workaround
description. In
addition, If PSHOME is located on a network drive, then the following nVision
directory location must be specified using UNC path in psprcs.cfg. (ICE
1912983000: Remove AOL Instant
Messenger Functionality
Note: Need to remove AOL
seeddata from database table. AOL Instant Messaging functionality is removed
from PeopleTools. AOL data shows up, when user searches for Instant Messaging
servers in configuration page.
Execute the following
SQL query using SQL developer :
1876964000: Template Builder plugin needs to be updated to
version to be in sync with BIP Core engine version used by App/Batch
Note: The delivered XMLP
Template Builder Plugin for Word has been updated in this patch release, to
version In order to install the new plugin,
First uninstall the
previous version of the plugin via Control Panel-> Add/Remove Programs->
Remove "Oracle BI Publisher Desktop".
uninstalled, the newer plugin can be downloaded from the Reporting Tools->
XML Publisher-> Setup-> Design Helper page in PIA
Problem: Reports containing
long text strings can generate the exception
RENDERING “, when run to PDF output
Solution: From 8.49.19 onwards,
this issue is fixed. XMLP core engine has been updated from version 5.6.3 to
the latest version (
1807129000: ALL COBOL
Problem: In PeopleTools 8.49 Patch 14, changes were delivered to
the PTPSQLRT COBOL module which requires customers using this or any later 8.49
patch to recompile all of their COBOL modules before they will work correctly.
Solution: For any application using PeopleSoft
COBOL programs after applying this patch, please follow these steps to ensure
you are correctly using the latest changes:
1. Make a backup copy of your source COBOL programs and CBLBINU
· Windows - %PS_HOME%/src/cbl/base
and %PS_HOME%/CBLBINX (where X=A, E or U)
· UNIX -
and $PS_HOME/cblbin
2. (Re) Compile all
COBOL programs. For instructions on compiling the COBOL programs, please
refer to the following PeopleTools Install Guide documentation for your
· Windows - Section 12A Compiling COBOL on Windows
· UNIX - Section 12B Compiling COBOL on UNIX
Please keep in mind that you need to
compile COBOL programs at installation, and you will also need to recompile ALL
COBOL programs in the following situations:
· Any COBOL programs change
· The supported COBOL compiler changes
· You change the version of your RDBMS
· You change the version of your operating system
1773992000 - Query
based XMLP reports do not generate UTC offset in date-time elements
Problem: : In PeopleTools
patches 8.49 07 to 8.49 15, Query and Rowset based XMLP reports did not include
the appropriate UTC offset for date-time elements in the generated intermediary
XML data file. As a result, date-time values were not being displayed correctly
when using the Oracle abstract formatting mask or the Microsoft Word formatting
feature in the template.
Note: The 8.49 16 patch fixes
this issue. Query and Rowset based XMLP reports now include the appropriate UTC
offset for date-time elements in the generated intermediary XML data file. As a
result, date-time values are now displayed correctly when using the Oracle
abstract formatting mask or the Microsoft Word formatting feature in the
template. However, please note that the AM/PM designator will no longer
be appended to the date-time elements of the XML data file, as it has been with
the application of patch 8.49.07 or higher (*Noted below). In order to
display the AM/PM designator in the report, please use either Microsoft Word
formatting or the Oracle abstract formatting masks for the specific date-time
field in the template, for eg. <?format-date:DTTMFLD;’YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
AM'?>. For a complete list of available Oracle abstract formatting
masks, please refer to the BIP Users Guide.
*(Starting with the 8.49.07 patch, the AM/PM
designator has been appended to the date-time elements of the XML data file,
only if “12 hour clock” has been set as the preferred Time Format under “My
Personalizations->Regional Settings”. This will no longer happen after
applying patch 8.49 16.)
1761775000 - Upgrades
- Change Assistant fails on step 'Running Microsoft Conversion Script' with
syntax error:
Problem: For all application
9 customers, the Change Assistant step 'Running Microsoft Conversion Script'
may fail due to the size of the script.
Solution: Customers who run into
this issue should split the script into multiple pieces and run each piece
1761775000 - Inconsistent error message when logging in with non-existing user or valid
expired user credentials
Inconsistent error messages may be displayed to the end user when attempting to
log into PIA.
Solution: Customers can ensure a consistent error message when
either a valid expired oprid/password combination or a non-existent
oprid/password combination is used to log into PIA by changing the default
messages stored in a properties file. In the file %PS_HOME%\webserv\peoplesoft\applications\peoplesoft\PORTAL.war\WEB-INF\psftdocs\ps\,
please modify message 109 as show below. These changes require a reboot of the
Web Server once complete.
# ALL KEYS IN THIS FILE ARE CASE SENSITIVE (Values may be too, ex class names)
105=Your User ID and/or Password are invalid.
106=User ID and Password are required.
107=Your browser sent multiple sets of
108=Logon failed as the language you have selected is not enabled for this
109=Your User ID and/or Password are invalid.
#109=Your account has been disabled.
110=Illegal identity switch has been detected by the System. Please re-login.
111=Authorization Error -- Contact your Security Administrator
115=The application server is down at this
1787053002: Verity Type-1 Support for HP Itanium
64-bit Platform introduced in PT8.49 patch 14
Problem: In PeopleTools 8.49 on HP-Itanium platforms Verity Search
was only possible by using search servers on Linux or Windows. It was due
to the fact that VDK 6.2.1 was not available on HP-Itanium 64-bit until
Solution: PeopleTools 8.49 patch 14 is integrated with VDK 6.2.1 on
HP-Itanium. It is now possible to use Verity Search using type-1 binding on
HP-Itanium in addition to type-3.
To use type-1 binding for Verity
Search support for HP Itanium 64-bit platform, follow these steps:
1) Upgrade to PeopleTools 8.49 patch
14 (or later if available)
2) Download the Verity 6.2.1 package
for HP Itanium 64-bit from the following location:
3) Replace the Verity folder in
PS_HOME with the above Verity binaries.
4) Follow the Install and Upgrade
steps mentioned in the ReadMe file in the above ftp location.
If your deployment is using Type-3
binding and want to change to Type-1, please refer to PeopleBooks for the
Type-1 Verity search configuration (chapter on “Configuring Search and Building
Search Indexes”).
Note: Type-1 support for HP-Itanium
platform requires PeopleTools 8.49 patch 14 or later. It is not available
with PeopleTools 8.49 patch 13 or earlier.
1786758000 - WebLogic - 'Error 500 - Internal
Server Error' when attempting to access the application through PIA in PT 8.49
patch 12 and later patches:
Problem: If the option to
redeploy the PeopleTools Internet Architecture in the section titled
'Reconfiguring This PeopleTools Patch' above was chosen when this patch was
applied, WebLogic customers experience 'Error 500 - Internal Server Error' when
attempting to access the application through PIA. Customers could still
logon to the WebLogic console as before, but could no longer access PIA.
Solution: As of 8.49 12 and
beyond, you will need to back-up your domain configuration settings and choose
option 3 to 'Re-create WebLogic domain and redeploy PeopleSoft Internet
Architecture' instead of option 2 as in previous patch releases.
Use the following instructions when backing up
and redeploying the existing WebLogic PIA domain:
Note: If PIA is configured to run as a Windows
Service, then uninstall the service using uninstallNTServicePIA.cmd from the
existing domain.
1. Make a back-up copy of
the PIA Domain directory. (The following example uses a PIA domain
directory named 'peoplesoft'.)
a. Windows:
i. cd %PS_HOME%\webserv
ii. xcopy peoplesoft
original_peoplesoft_domain /i /e /v /q
/ Linux:
i. cd $PS_HOME/webserv
ii. cp -RH peoplesoft
2. In the PeopleSoft
Internet Architecture (PIA) installer, select option 3 to Re-create the
WebLogic domain and redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.
3. Manually re-apply any
settings and customizations from the copied domain directory
('original_peoplesoft_domain' in the above example) back into the recreated
domain. Note: In most cases, settings and customizations would exist in the
following files (you may have more):
a. Under domain level
('original_peoplesoft_domain' from above):
i. config.xml
ii. setEnv.cmd (or on Unix)
iii. installNTservicePIA.cmd (only on Windows)
b. The web.xml and
weblogic.xml files found under all of the Web Application directories, such as:
i. HttpProxyServlet
ii. HttpClusterServlet
vi. PSOL
vii. pspc
c. Certain files in the
following Web Applications:
i. PORTAL (For each site
beneath, like 'ps')
2. signin.html
3. signin.wml
4. signintrace.html
5. SyncServerGatewayConfig.xml
For further information, please refer the
following section in PeopleBooks regarding WebLogic Domain configuration and
settings: Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBooks:System and Server Administration > BEA
WebLogic 8.1 Managed Server Architecture
1728266000 - Crystal Reports - PSToWords and
PSToWordsLoc functions are not producing correct results for ITALIAN language:
Problem: When using the PSToWords
or PSToWordsLoc function in Crystal to
translate numbers into their textual representation in Italian, the word “tre”
could now have an accent on the letter “e”, depending on the grammatical
context. This introduces a problem if you are running the report to an output
type other than HTML.
Workaround: Since the
PSToWords and PSToWordsLoc functions return any non-USASCII characters
(including accented characters) as HTML decimal entities, if the output format
of your Crystal report is HTML, these
characters will be interpreted by the browser correctly. If you need to
run your Crystal reports to any other
supported output format, you will need to include a report custom function in
your .rpt template file to convert these entities into Unicode characters.
Complete instructions for doing this are described in the “Crystal Reports for
PeopleSoft” PeopleBook, section “Working with Multiple Languages->Converting
Entities to Characters”.
1576039000 - Inadequate Comparison of IB converted objects
results in IBRK-21/22 "Duplicate Service Operation Routings":
Problem: The IB conversion
process, which is run as part of the upgrade, produces service operation
routing objects that have an auto-generated ~GEN~ naming
convention. The upgrade compare of such converted objects on the
target database to the new release (9.0) objects is not useful because many of
the 9.0 objects have been renamed. Therefore, these routings show up as
*Changed – Absent, and if copied over, result in duplicate routings.
Solution: PeopleTools
8.49 contains a DMS script named 'ptibfixduplicates.dms' which can be run
after an application upgrade to delete these duplicates.
The 'ptibfixduplicates.dms' script should be run only as a cleanup step after an application upgrade. In addition a PIA page which allows detection and deletion of duplicate routings should be used for any remaining IBRK-21 or IBRK-22 items after running the script. Any duplicate routing definitions detected by PeopleSoft Integration Broker appear in the Service Administration – Routings page in the Delete Duplicate Routings section.
The 'ptibfixduplicates.dms' script should be run only as a cleanup step after an application upgrade. In addition a PIA page which allows detection and deletion of duplicate routings should be used for any remaining IBRK-21 or IBRK-22 items after running the script. Any duplicate routing definitions detected by PeopleSoft Integration Broker appear in the Service Administration – Routings page in the Delete Duplicate Routings section.
When you first access the page, all sections on
the page are collapsed. Click the arrow next to the Delete Duplicate Routings
section title to expand the section.
To delete duplicate routings:
1. Select PeopleTools,
Integration Broker, Service Utilities, Service Administration. Click
the Routings tab.
2. Click the arrow next to
the Delete Duplicate Routings section title to expand the section.
3. Click the Search button
to search the system for duplicate routing definitions. Duplicate routing
definitions populate the Routing Definitions grid and all are selected for
4. Clear the Select box for
any routing definitions you do not want to delete.
5. Click the Delete button.
The Routing Definitions grid displays up to 100
routing definitions at a time. The maximum number of rows returned at a time is
1000. Use the arrow buttons to move from page to page of search results. If the
maximum number of rows is reached, an information message appears that
indicates the maximum has been reached. After you delete the routing
definitions, click the 'Search' button again to return more rows if necessary.
1659443000 - Websphere '' value
not read
Problem: PeopleTools application
logging is broken in PT 8.49 GA when deployed with Websphere
Note: In PT 8.49.10 product
patch, logging specifications are read by Websphere from a custom file which comes packaged within PeopleTools
application EAR file. This fix requires an Ifix provided by IBM (Ifix to be added to Websphere
through the UpdateInstaller tool. This Ifix can be downloaded from the
PeopleSoft FTP site using the following link:
1708503000 - Added support for Sybase and Informix
customers on HP-UX (IPF) Itanium with PT 8.49:
Problem: Until PeopleTools 8.49
08 and later patches, Sybase and Informix were not supported on HP-UX(IPF) Itanium servers.
With the release of this patch, PeopleTools now supports this platform
Note: Previous patch versions
for PT 8.49 are not supported on these platform combinations. To install
PeopleTools 8.49 and the necessary 8.49 08 or later patch, you will need to
download the PeopleTools 8.49 Install Addendum document and follow the
instructions it contains. This addendum can be found on Metalink3 knowledge
document Doc ID 703595.1.
1537316000 - EPM customers upgrading to PeopleTools 8.49:
Problem: PeopleTools 8.48
inadvertently delivered a field named ACTION_TYPE that was already in use by
the EPM application. Failure to restore EPM's version of this field prior to
altering application records during upgrade will result
in truncated data.
Workaround: After upgrading to
PeopleTools 8.48 or 8.49, customers must manually restore the ACTION_TYPE
field definition from the EPM demo database before running the final alter
audit during the 8.48/8.49 PeopleTools only upgrade process or before running
the alter step in the Modify Database Structure task during the EPM application
upgrades to 8.8x, 8.9 or 9.0.
1513552000 - Barcodes / MICR fonts not printing using
Business Objects Enterprise 11:
Problem: Business Objects
Enterprise 11 is an optional reporting tool supported for use with PeopleTools
8.49 applications. At this time, no fonts are delivered with this tool
and are currently being researched for future implementation. Some
delivered reports used by our applications may not run or print correctly due
to the missing barcode, MICR, or other specialty fonts.
Workaround: Any impacted reports should
be run using Crystal Reports 9. At some point during the
patching of 8.49, fonts may be delivered by PeopleTools for Business Objects
Enterprise 11 and the corresponding patch PT849XXUserDoc, like the one you're
reading now, will be updated at that time.
1656545000 - Upgrades - Informix
Database Customers - Change Assistant fails on step 'Creating Triggers'
Problem: For Informix database
customers upgrading from HRMS 8.81 to HRMS 9.0, the Change Assistant Step
'Creating Triggers' fails because the trigger being created is dependent on a
function that doesn't exist. The SQL script generated in a prior step 'Building
the Alters with Deletes Scripts' is missing SQL to create this function.
Workaround: For any triggers that
failed to create successfully, perform the following steps:
1. In Application Designer,
open the record associated with the trigger.
2. Navigate to Tools -->
Build Current Definition
3. Check the following
a. Create Triggers
b. Execute and Build
4. Click on the 'Settings'
a. Complete the Logging Tab
with a unique file name
b. Complete the Scripts Tab
with a unique file name
5. Click 'OK'
6. Click 'Build'
After these manual steps have been completed,
please continue on with the upgrade.
Future: This issue is
under investigation and has not been targeted to a specific patch at this time.
1700410000 - PT 8.49 06 - AIX -
Verity - Unable to build search indexes on AIX for ALL locales other than JPN, ZHS, ZHT and KOR
Problem: A newer version of
Verity was delivered with the 8.49 06 patch and an issue has now been
identified that impacts customers who use this version to build search indexes
on AIX for any locale other than JPN, ZHS, ZHT, and KOR. If you have not
previously installed the 8.49 06 patch, you do not need to follow the workaround
below as the newer Verity version for AIX has been removed from the 8.49 07
patch and beyond.
Workaround: Customers who build
search indexes for any locale (other than the four listed above) on AIX will
either need to build their search indexes on another platform, or will need to
use the pre-8.49 06 version of Verity until a solution is found. To use
the pre-8.49 06 patch version of Verity, please use the following instructions
on AIX:
1. Shutdown the app server
and batch server domain(s)
2. If the installation uses
PeopleBooks search, shutdown the web server domain
3. Backup the current
Verity installation by running the following commands for each $PS_HOME (app
server, batch server, web server, etc...)
a. cd $PS_HOME
b. tar -cvf ./verity.tar
4. Apply the PeopleTools
8.49.24 patch to each $PS_HOME (app server, batch server, web server, etc...)
5. Rename the newly updated
Verity directory in each $PS_HOME (app server, batch server, web server,
a. cd $PS_HOME
b. mv -f ./verity
6. Restore the previous
Verity version in each $PS_HOME (app server, batch server, web server, etc...)
a. cd $PS_HOME
b. tar -xvf ./verity.tar
c. (Optionally) rm -f
7. Restart the app server,
batch server, web server, etc...
8. Re-create the web server
domain and re-install PeopleBooks (as necessary).
If a fix is found before the last 8.49 patch is
released, it will be included in that patch and all later patches, if
any. At that time the solution would most likely be to apply the specific
8.49 patch (or later) to get the fix.
After installing the
patch on top of your existing high-level PeopleSoft folder, you will need to
propagate the patch to the Online Marketing components. NOTE: The process is
the same whether the Online Marketing components reside on a Windows
environment or a UNIX environment.
1. There are two jar files
that must be placed into Online Marketing components:
1.1. 'ptib.jar' (located in
the setup folder found in the high-level PeopleSoft folder)
1.2. 'psjoa.jar' (located in
the WEB\psjoa folder).
2. Stop the iPlanet
Application Server, all Mailcasters, the Definition Server, and the Email
Response Processor.
3. Transfer the ptib.jar file to the machine that
is hosting the Online Marketing Campaign Server, the Online Marketing
Mailcaster, and to the machine that is hosting the Online Marketing Email
Response Processor. On each of the machines, rename ptib.jar to pt842.jar.
Transfer the psjoa.jar file to the machine that is hosting the Online Marketing
Definition Server. If using FTP to do the transfers, be sure to use a 'binary'
4. In the following
folders, rename the existing pt842.jar file or copy it to a safe location in
case it has to be restored. Replace the existing pt842.jar file in these
4.1. <PeopleSoft CRM>/OM/DCS
for the Campaign Server
4.2. <PeopleSoft
the Mailcaster
4.3. <PeopleSoft
for the Email Response Processor.
5. In the <PeopleSoft
CRM>/tomcat/webapps/DDS/WEB-INF/lib folder, rename the existing psjoa.jar
file or copy it to a safe location in case it has to be restored. Copy the new
psjoa.jar file into <PeopleSoft CRM>/tomcat/webapps/DDS/WEB-INF/lib.
6. Login to the Online
Marketing Client, click 'Setup', 'Settings', and select the 'Settings' folder,
modify 'psToolsRel' to current patch level, for example '8.49.24'.
7. Modify all the Email
Response Processor scripts under <PeopleSoft CRM>/OM/Utilities/ERP: set
'psToolsRel' to current patch level, for example: psToolsRel='8.49.24'.
8. Start the iPlanet
Application Server, all Mailcasters, the Definition Server, and the Email
Response Processor.
1. Set 'psToolsRel' to the
current PeopleTools release (i.e. 8.49.24).
1.1. Go to 'Set Up CRM ->
Product Related -> Online Marketing -> Settings'
1.2. Modify (or add if not
already present) the variable 'psToolsRel'
1.3. Set to current release.
2. Update the web services:
2.1. Undeploy the DES web
service on WebLogic:
2.1.1. Stop the Dialog
Execution Server web servers through the WebLogic control panels.
2.1.2. Delete the
PS_HOME/webserv/OMK directory, where 'OMK' is the name given to online
marketing during web app deployment.
2.2. Undeploy the DES web
service on WebSphere:
2.2.1. Open WebSphere
Administration Console at http://<machine-name>:9090/admin.
2.2.2. Log in as any user.
2.2.3. Choose Applications, Enterprise Applications.
2.2.4. Select the check box for
the Online Marketing application as specified during installation and click
2.2.5. Select the check box for
the Online Marketing application as specified during installation and click
2.2.6. Save your configuration
2.2.7. Stop WebSphere server.
2.2.8. Delete the directory
2.3. Deploy the DES web
service (see 'Installing CRM Applications', Chapter 4 'Installing PeopleSoft
Online Marketing' for more information).
3. Update the stand alone
Online Marketing Services.
3.1. Before installing this
PeopleTools Patch on Process Schedulers running OLM services, stop all of the
services by going to 'Marketing -> Dialog Monitoring -> Control Center
-> Maintain Dialog Servers' and pressing 'STOP' for all services and
pressing 'Save'.
3.2. Install this PeopleTools
3.3. Start the services by
pressing the 'Start' button on the services you wish to run and then press
If you are using the
Enterprise Portal product, please refer the corresponding knowledge document
article on My Oracle Support for your Enterprise Portal release:
Doc ID 658989.1 - for Enterprise Portal 8.8
Doc ID 658897.1 - for Enterprise Portal 8.9
Doc ID 658990.1 - for Enterprise Portal 9.0
PT 8.49
DB Changes
In Patch
A list of all the fixes
included in this patch can be found in the patch bundle incident in My Oracle Support. Select the 'Patches & Updates' and
then click the 'PeopleSoft' tab. Under ‘Apply to Release’
- Product Line: = PeopleTools
- Product: = PeopleTools
- Release: = 8.49
- Bundles (Checked)
- Search (Start the Search by clicking the right-pointing arrow button.) (If patch bundles have been posted, they will appear in the results list. After drilling into one, click the 'Bundles' tab and then select 'View All' to see a complete list of the fixes in this patch.)
Copyright © 2009,
Oracle. All rights reserved.
The Programs (which
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they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and
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the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with
other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.
The information contained
in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems
in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not
warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your
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reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, for any purpose.
Programs, software,
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Government customers are 'commercial computer software' or 'commercial
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disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including
documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing
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The Programs are not
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take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure
the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes,
and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs.
The Programs may provide
links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third
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of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a
third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party.
Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or
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loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third
Oracle, JD Edwards,
PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or
its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Before Applying we have to shut
down all servers I,e App,prcs,Webserver and PSEMAGENT server and take the
backup of PT8.49 Folder.
The below page shows before
applying patch I,e it displays: PeopleTools 8.49
Shut down Application Server:
(a) Select Option 1 to shutdown Application server
Option 1
Selct option 2 to shutdown Application server
Select option 1 to shut down Application normally
Selct option q to quit
Select option 2 to shut down process
Selct option 2
Select option q to quit
3) Shut down Webserver from Services.msc
(a) Selcet
Webserver service and right click on that and select stop .
Go to PT8.49\PSEMAgent\StopAgent.bat à this is to
stop PSEMAgent Server.
the backup of PT8.49 folder and paste it any folder:
all files and folders
6) Download
the Patch
6.1. Create
an Empty folder named pt84924 on your system.
6.2. Download
the patch file from the FTP site into the pt84924 folder, and extract the
contents of the self-extracting archive file into this same folder.
3.2.2. The
password to extract 84924.exe:
7) Install
Patch Files
7.1. For
(a) . Run
This is patch software from oracle support:
(b) Select setup.bat file shown in the below:
Select Existing folder of PT8.49
(c) End of
installation of patch 8.49.24 and click on finish button.
(8) After installing patch the below window
shows version as: People Tools 8.49.24
9. Update
Your Database with Patch Version Information
(a). Using
PeopleTools 8.49.24 launch Data Mover and logon to your database as a
PeopleSoft User.
(b). Run
the script <PS_HOME>\scripts\PTPATCH.DMS (Note: This script can only
be run once per database per patch. If you reapply this patch to the
same database, do not run this script again.)
into DataMover: As Peoplesoft User I,e VP1
Select ptpatch.dms Script
(d) Run the
ptpatch.dms Script from DataMover. Click on Run Button
End of script ptpatch.dms
10. Install
Database Changes Included in this Patch
(a). Using
PeopleTools 8.49.24, launch Application Designer, and sign on to the database
as a PeopleSoft User.
(b). Select
<Tools>, <Copy Project>, <From File>
©. Enter
<PS_HOME>\projects and select PATCH849 from the list of projects.
(d). Select
<Options> and highlight the languages <Common> and <English>
(d). Select
<Copy> to begin copying updated PeopleTools objects to your database.
(b) Select
<Tools>, <Copy Project>, <From File>
© Enter <PS_HOME>\projects and select
PATCH849 from the list of projects
Select (.) File and press OK button.
(d) After that
the below window will be displayed: Select Copy button
(e) Select Compare Options Tab and Select Compare
Languages as : Common and English
(f) Select Copy Options Tab and select Copy
Languages: Common and English
(g) Select All in
Defination Type and select Copy
(h) This is the end
of the Copying of the PATCH8.49 Project:
In Output window it
displays the start and end time and date of Project.
11. Load PeopleTools Messages and
Data Project
(a). Logon to Data Mover in
bootstrap mode as the database owner using PT 8.49.24
(b). Run
<PS_HOME>\scripts\MSGTLSUPG.DMS to load the updated messages into your
7.2.1. Note: If message catalog changes have not
been made in PT 8.49 by the time this patch is released, the MSGTLSUPG.DMS
script may not exist in the <PS_HOME>\scripts folder and this entire step
can be skipped.
©. Close Data Mover
Logon to DataMover
(a) Logon to Data Mover in
bootstrap mode as the database owner using PT 8.49.24
(b) Run
<PS_HOME>\scripts\MSGTLSUPG.DMS to load the updated messages into your
c ) Select Run button
( d) End of the script and script ran successfully as shown in the
12. Completing Installation and
configuring this PeopleTools Patch
(a) . Reinstall any products in use
from the following folders:
( b) . Change
Assistant: <PS_HOME>\setup\PsCA
To install change Assistant we goto PT8.49\setup\PsCA\Setup.exe à Double click on setup.exe
Note: Change Assistant is optional if we want to install we can or
otherwise leave it.
( c) Click Next
( d ) Click Next
(e) Click Next
(f) Select yes
and select next button.
oracle and select next button because the database we are
using is : Oracle
Install path will take default no need to
change:I,e C:\PeopleSoft\Change Impact Analyser
End of PS Change Impact Analyser click on
finish button.
13. PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA):
<PS_HOME>\setup\ PsMpPIAInstall
(a). Websphere
customers: Choose 'Redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Architecture' when prompted
(b). WebLogic customers: Choose 'Re-create
WebLogic domain and redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Architecture' when prompted.
(c). Warning: The entire WebLogic and PIA
configuration in the specified WebLogic domain is deleted when you select this
option. It is highly recommended that you make a copy of the PIA
Domain directory to preserve any existing configuration settings and
customizations. You can then refer to the configuration files in the
copied directory when reconfiguring the newly recreated
domain. Please refer to the patch notes at the bottom of this
document for further information (ref: 1786758000).
We have to recreate PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.
(1) For
this we can recreate domain and redeploy PeopleSoft internet Architecture.
(2) OR We
delete the Webserver folder and install PIA.
(3) In this
I am redeploying PIA. Goto: PT8.49\setup\PsMpPIAInstall and select setup.exe
Select Next
Select PSHOME Folder and click Next.
Select BEAWeblogic server and click Next.
Give bea path previously where we installed Weblogic and click Next.
Give Login ID : system
Password : password1
Re-type password : password1--------------------àIn this it will ask
atleast one number.
Select Existing Weblogic Domain and select Recreate Weblogic domain and
redeploy PIA and select Next.
Select Single Server Domain and Select Next.
Give existing website name: Previously it has fsprdsb and we have to give the
same website name.
Give Appserver name : Machine name
JSL Port : 9000-------------Check in
psappsrv.cfg file
HTTP Port : 8055
HTTPS Port : 443--------------It is a default
port and click Next
Give default web profile name like:DEV,KIOSK,TEST,PROD, userid and password
should be same and click Next
Select Install button
End of Installation click on Finish button
13. Purge all App Server and Web
Server cache. (Knowledge Management document ID
<Document:753215.1> has more details on purging if needed.)
14. Re-start your Application
server(s), Batch server(s), Web Server(s), and EM Agents.
15 Finally Login to PIA and check some default
16. We can
know the patch version in different ways:
(B) Top of the Application Designer we can able to see
patch version.
(C) Top of the Data Mover window we
can able to see patch version.
(D) After login to Application
Designer Goto:Help->About PeopleTools-àhere
we can find patch version
(E) In PIA page press CTRL+J here also we can find patch version.
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