16 May 2013

Process Scheduler Process Flow

(a )     First the process schedule job is scheduled
(b)   Then the job is inserted into PSPRCSRQST & PSPRCSQUE Tables.
(c)    The process scheduler server will check it is scheduled or not, if it is not scheduled it will go to sleep time. If it is scheduled it will read the process scheduler psprcs.cfg file.
(d)   After that job is added and executables are assigned to appropriate process scheduler server I,e PSNT OR PSUNX.
(e)   It will generates output to report repository path I,e C:\PSREPORTS
·         Process scheduler enables users to request & monitor batch process related to their peoplesoft application.
·         People Tools process scheduler manager is a centralized tool that enables application developers, s/m administrators & App users to manage People soft Batch process.
·         Using PIA we can access a list of processes through a web browser & queue & execute a process request.
(a)    Scheduling recurring processes
(b)   Create jobs( groups of processes)
(c)    Schedule a process request to run on any date or time interval that your business requires such as monthly,daily, hourly, or even by the minutes.
(d)   Submit a job to run several processes & scheduled successive processes based on the status of a previous process in the job.
PROCESS SCHEDULER(PS) MANAGERS: Primary role is to support the people soft application environment.
·         Using people soft application we have certain processes like:
Programs, batch programs, reports & so on.
·         Running reports, posting journal entries, calculating payroll deductions are examples of processes that perform indenpendently of peoplesoft application.

1.       PROCESS SCHEDULER FOR THE END USER: This provides an overview of 3 basic people soft components that enable & manage processes & their o/p I,e process scheduler manger, Process monitor  & Report manager.
2.       PROCESS SCHEDULER DEVELOPMENT: An App developer use this chapter to learn how to set & create process types, process definations & job definition to integrate PS Manager into People Soft Application.
3.       PS ADMINISTRATION: It provides information regarding configuring, administering & trouble shooting the process scheduler server agent running on an Appserver, Db server & batch server.
4.       PS REPORT DISTRIBUTION: It gives all the information that will need to setup your distribution node. So that process scheduler distribution agent can transfer all files generated from a process request to the Report Repository.
·         PS Manager is made up of several components that work in together that helps to run reports  processes offline.
·         After jobs has been submitted, we use process monitor to check the status of job and then Report Manager to view the output of job through web browser.
1.       PROCESS DEFINATIONS: are global definations for processes. Select this from the menu to define or update process definations.
2.       JOB DEFINATIONS: are the settings specific to process. This is used to define or update process definations.
3.       JOB DEFINATIONS: Enables you to group processes.It is used to define or update job definition.
4.       RECURRENCE DEFINATIONS: It describes the frequency of processes or jobs that run on a recurring basis such as weekly or monthly.
5.       SERVER DEF: rerfers to an instance of PS Server Agent. It define or update server definition.
6.       REPORT NODE DEF: It define the Report distribution node including URL the home directory & FTP Address.
PS Server to transfer reports &  log trace files generated from a process request to report manager.
7.       PROCESS SYSTEM SETTINGS: This is used to view or change the last process instance number as well as the systems default OS.
8.       PROCESS REQUEST: It enables you to submit a job or process to run.

PROCESS SCHEDULER SERVER AGENT: It is a process that run on the server.
·         It is primarily responsible for polling the process request table(PSPRCSRQST) where  process requests appear in a queue after you submit them.
·         It can run on DB server, APP Server or the batch server.
·         The PS server agent needs to be started before you can successfully submit requests to the process scheduler.
·         The server agent can be started or stopped manually by a server ADMIN.

        PROCESS SCHEDULER DISTRIBUTION AGENT: It is responsible for transferring all files generated                 from a process request to the report repository.
·         Reports or log files can be viewed from either Report Manager or Process Monitor when they are in the Report Repository.
·         The dist agent is  a process that run on the same server as the PS server agent started either by the server Agent or by the Tuxedo.
·         The server agent & Dist agent both check the status of each process in the Report List Table.
·         The Dist Agent determines which process requests have finished running & then transfer them to Report Manager.

PROCESS REQUESTS RUN STATUS: It is to know the status of a job helps to see where it is in the queue or identify a problem occur in the process.

QUEUED: The process request will remain queued until a PS has picked up the new request.
INITIATED: It indicates a PS server has acknowledge the new requests.
PROCESSING: It indicates program is running.
SUCCESSFUL: The program has successfully completed.
ERROR: The process request encountered an error while processing transactions with in the program. In this case delivered programs are coded to update the runstatus to enter prior to termination.
NOT SUCESSFUL: The program encountered an error with in the transaction.
POSTING: After distribution agent has transferred the reports to report manager the dist agent update the RUNSTATUS to successful.
NOT POSTED: It indicates the dist agent wasn’t able to transfer the reports to report manager.
CANCEL: A user has requested to cancel scheduling of a process request.
CANCELLED:  It indicates server agent has successfully cancelled the request after it has started.

REPORT REPOSITORY: While setup webserver during PIA to contain reports & log files generated from process requests. Contents of the Report Repository can be viewed either through the Report Manager or process monitor detail.

RUN CONTROL ID: A unique ID associated each operator with its own run control table entries.

(a)    People Tools-> Process Scheduler Manager-> Process->sample process
(b)   In search page enter run control ID to apply to the process.
The process requests dialog page appears.
(c)    Click RUN
In this we will set Server Name, RUN DATE, RUN TIME & process runs.
(d)   Set the page controls for your process and click ok.

PROCESS MONITOR: It comprised of two pages (1) Process list page (2) server list page.
1.       It is to monitor process requests that we have submitted.
2.       It is to monitor PS server agents with in the system.
·         Starts of any job in the queue.
·         Check the status of submitted process requests.
·         Cancel process requests that have been initiated or currently processing.
·         Hold process requests that are queued.
·         Delete completed process requests from the queue.

HEART BEAT:  The PS Server Agent uses this value to track server status. Each time the server issues a heart beat msg, it updates the last update date/time stamp field in table with in the current date & time.
·         This prevents DB from Accepting more than one PS Server Agent with in the same name.


1.       People Soft Process Scheduler Server(PSPRCSSRV): This contains all process operations.
This is mandatory server & also known as server agent. We can’t run any job without this server.
3.       PEOPLE SOFT DISTRIBUTION SERVER(PSDSTSRV): This server is used to distribute reports to the report repository. Path: C:\psreports
4.       PSPRCSRQST, PSPRCSQUE, PSPRCSPARMS: When a user submits a process request to the PS  a corresponding record will be inserted in the PSPRCSRQST table & after wards replicated into the PSPRCSQUE table & further acknowledge by the PS to be processed.

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